PhD Informatics at AIAI, School of Informatics, University of Edinburgh
Sep 2020 - Present
Thesis title: A Formalised Approach to the Composition of Processes over Linear Resources
My work revolves around process composition, linear logic and mechanisation in Isabelle/HOL and is supervised by Prof. Jacques Fleuriot and Prof. Jane Hillston.
Throughout this programme I have been a member of the AI Modelling Lab and I have been involved in a variety of other projects that make use of formal logic.
BSc Computer Science with Honours at the School of Informatics, University of Edinburgh
Sep 2016 - Aug 2020
Notable courses: Categories and Quantum Informatics, Automated Reasoning, Performance Modelling
Honours project: Mechanising Hyperdual Numbers in Isabelle/HOL
Teaching Support at the School of Informatics, University of Edinburgh
AYs 2020/21, 2021/22, 2022/23, 2024/25
For one semester in each of the academic years, I worked as teaching support on the course Automated Reasoning organised by Prof. Jacques Fleuriot. Over this time I have been a tutor, lab demonstrator and teaching assistant. As part of this post I supported the students and the course organiser by leading the labs and tutorials, answering questions online and in person, maintaining the course web page, marking the assignment and delivering several lectures.
Research Intern at the School of Informatics, University of Edinburgh
Jun 2019 - Aug 2020
I worked on projects with Prof. Jacques Fleuriot, mainly on the DigiFlow project and on mechanisations in Isabelle/HOL. This work includes implementation, exploring potential research directions, formalisation and proof mechanisation, and technical writing.
Technologies used: Java, Scala, Isabelle/HOL
Theoretical topics: π-Calculus, Classical Linear Logic, Event Stream Processing
Housekeeper at Glenalmond House, Edinburgh
Jun - Sep 2018
Junior Developer at Orchitech solutions s.r.o, Prague
Jun - Aug 2017
I was tasked with organisational work on the Wren Security open-source repositories and with enhancements to their version of OpenIdM.
Technologies used: Java, Maven, Git, Apache Felix, OSGi
Lecturer at Labyrint, Kladno
Oct 2014 - Jun 2016
I taught a full-year programming course for children (around 12 years old) where we focused on Java, and two short term (2-3 months) courses for adults focusing on MS Office suite and its use in the workplace.
Tasks: preparing exercises, helping with problems outside of classes (school IT assignments or work assignments), minor administrative tasks
Web Developer at Fix Software
Apr - Sep 2015
I was responsible for building the administration backend of a website for an accounting association. That included article, eshop, and account management with multiple levels of user permissions. I also designed the database structure to hold the data needed and integrated the backend into the public frontend.
Technologies used: Php, MySQL, HTML, Joomla, JavaScript
Peer Review
- Mathematics in Artificial Intelligence (Special Issue of the journal Mathematics in Computer Science)
- Diagrams 2022 (13th International Conference on the Theory and Application of Diagrams)
- Diagrams 2021 (12th International Conference on the Theory and Application of Diagrams)
- CICM 2021 (14th Conference on Intelligent Computer Mathematics)
Programming languages:
- Haskell, Scala, Java, Python, OCaml and shell scripts as part of work and research
- C++, Common Lisp and Rust as part of personal projects
- C as part of classes
Formal methods:
- Interactive theorem proving with Isabelle/HOL as part of research
- Model checking with NuSMV as part of research
- Verification with CBMC and SPARK as part of classes
Web development: JavaScript, TypeScript, CSS, HTML, SQL
Other technologies:
- Git, vim and linux as part of personal projects, work and research
- LaTeX and Beamer as part of research writing
- LLVM as part of personal projects